

Powhatan County Adult Education Program Business Survey

Powhatan County Public Schools has partnered with Powhatan County Economic Development to expand our County Adult Education Program to include courses taught by local small business owners in the community. There will be some popular courses offered from the past, but we are reaching out to you today in an effort to increase the offerings that support employment and economic growth in our community. By replying to us using the survey linked below, you will join us in moving toward the following outcomes:

 -  Increase and diversify critical job skills in our local workforce
 -  Increase retention by upskilling current employees
 -  Return un- or under-employed residents to fuller employment
 -  Provide residents opportunities to improve their hireability
 -  Build connections and community

Responses will be collected through the end of November 2023 in order for us to determine which courses to move forward with in the coming months. 

Take the business survey here:

To learn more about Powhatan County Adult Education, visit: